STARWAVES Consulting
DAB+, DRM30, DRM+, T-DMB, DVB-T2, DVB-H, IBOC-AM, IBOC-FM, SXM,… – this list can be continued and is growing> almost every day. Which system is suitable for which application? Which propagation is intended? Which manufacturer is competent and which product convenient? What about transmission power?
The tangle of questions around digital broadcasting becomes more and more confusing, but STARWAVES keeps track of it. A wide network of broadcasters, regulatory authorities from various nations, transmitter vendors, and of course the know-how of our own staff at STARWAVES makes it possible to give professional customers the most proficient answers – independent and double-checked. Who confides in STARWAVES is always well advised and will save a lot of money and inconveniences.
At STARWAVES we promise that our customers will be kept up-to-date instantly and permanently. We provide a service you will never want to miss again.
As an example, please see our final report of Africa’s first DRM+ Trial conducted by WECODEC and STARWAVES in Johannesburg / South Africa here.