For live reception, an SDR RF dongle must be connected to the device’s USB port (with USB host functionality). The following SDR RF dongle families are currently supported, along with a range of specifically tested models:
– Airspy HF+ family:
Airspy HF Discovery, Airspy HF+ (Dual Port).
(Note: Airspy Mini and R2 are NOT supported.)
– SDRplay family:
SDRPlay RSP1A, SDRPlay RSPdx, SDRPlay RSPduo, SDRPlay RSP1, SDRPlay RSP2, SDRPlay RSP2pro, MSI.SDR Panadapter – since the latest now available for all Android versions including 64-bit!
– RTL-SDR family:
The support for RTL-SDR based RF dongles is only experimental and requires that you manually start the following separate tool before opening this app (on standard port ‘14423’): The app ‘SDR driver’ by Martin Marinov can be installed from the Google Play Store and other Android app stores. Please visit our RTL-SDR Special Section for further information!
Please note that dongles not mentioned here will probably not work. If you have any questions please leave a message at our contact form.